Cyber Law

An area of Law at its infancy

"Avant garde" Robin Vivian

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Legal advice

Duties of Directors
2023-01-12 Duties of Directors       A Director is a person responsible or authorized to manage and direct the affairs of a corporation or company or specific division within the organization. They serve as ...
2022-10-05   Incorporation   The process of creating a corporation through legal means is commonly referred to as incorporation. Such a legal and formal process results in the establishment of an independent ...
Legal Audit and Compliance
2021-10-20 Legal audit and compliance refer to the process of reviewing and assessing an organization's compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and policies. Legal audit and compliance are important for orga...
Rights of an Arrested Person
2020-04-15 Rights of an Arrested Person Legal arrests are effected against people who are suspected to have contravened the law. In criminal cases, persons can be arrested for committing an offence prescribed u...